Arduino Fake Candle
Here’s something I created out of boredom. I received a box of sensors which has the ultrasonic range sensor. I don’t have the code anymore but it could easily be recreated.
I was standing in line at the post office and they had one of those small LED message boards. It inspired me to create one of my own. What does this do? It displays the date and time. It will tell you the current weather. It will tell you the weather forecast. It will warn…
Annoy Me! (offline)
I snagged a Ethernet shield for $4.00 from Radio Shack and wanted to use it right away. I found some tutorials online to control various devices and decided, just for fun, to make a project that will annoy the heck out of me. Head over to (offline) and see that you can control very bright…
Binary clock using Arduino, DS3231 real time clock, and WS2811 Addressable LEDs
I started working on a binary clock project with the Arduino. I followed other tutorials but encountered two issues: One, the binary clock ran about 37 seconds fast because the lack of a RTCTwo, I couldn’t include a RTC because the LEDs took up all the available pins. I started working on a new binary…
LED lighting effect using an Arduino and LEDs
Sorry for the poor video quality. Because of the flash rate and the way a CMOS senor works, it cannot record the true effect. This lightning effect uses addressable LEDs. The code generates a random number of flashes, a random brightness level for each flash, a random delay between flashes, and a random delay between…
Arduino Strobe Light Effect with Proximity Sensor
In December, a friend approached me and asked if I could create a visual effect for him. The requirements are to flash a strobe light, activate only when someone is in front of the effect for a couple of seconds, and wait for the person to walk away before it can be activated again.
Arduino WS2811 Pixel LED Christmas Tree Lights
I made some neat Christmas tree lights using an Arduino and WS2811 pixel LEDs. Random LEDs will twinkle white. After the LED flashes, it is set with either red, green, or blue until it is twinkled again. Check out the code after the break.