In the early 2000s, web comic creator Steven Frank came up with an innovative concept that took the internet by storm. Frank’s web comic, Spamusement, was inspired by the ridiculous and absurd subject lines of spam emails. He transformed these subject lines into single-panel comics, resulting in hilarious and often nonsensical scenarios.
One of the most memorable Spamusement comics featured a masked swordsman, resembling Zorro, standing off against a filing cabinet donning a sombrero, bandolier, and mustache. The subject line of the spam email that inspired this comic was “you were wrong cabinet Sanchez.”
Although the Spamusement website has been offline for years, some of the comics can still be found scattered throughout the internet. What made Spamusement particularly unique was the ability for viewers to submit their own comic ideas based on spam email subject lines. One such submission came from myself who turned the subject line “Hi! Look at my stomach devil” into a crudely drawn piece of MS Paint art, featuring a person pointing to their stomach with pride, revealing a tattoo of a devil.
Fast forward to today’s technological advancements, and with the emergence of AI-powered image generators, such as Dall-E and MidJourney, the possibilities for creating bizarre and entertaining comics are endless.
Inspired by Spamusement, I decided to take the idea but make it AI Spam. By inputting spam email subject lines into MidJourney, AI-generated images can be produced, providing endless opportunities for humorous and unexpected scenarios.
Who knows what kind of ridiculous images MidJourney can come up with using these spam subject lines?
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